Dental Implant

Concerned about looks or wish to improve speech habits? Want to fix eating habits or simply seek comfort when it comes to oral health? Dental implants can prove to be significantly effective. The causes can be many, but if you are seeking services for dental implants, Nemade Dental Clinic is the best place to be at. Located in Nashik, it provides convenient access. It makes available a wide variety of relevant dental care services, with experienced doctors to ensure that you receive the best and proper care in comfort and be better informed of what is good for you when it comes to oral care.

Dental implants are the most natural-looking permanent replacements for missing original teeth. An implant is a titanium structure that is inserted into the gums followed by a waiting period of 2-4 months during which healing occurs and bone grows around the implant. Crowns or bridges can then be fitted over these implants to restore function and aesthetics optimally. At our clinic we provide the best dental implant treatment, which is pain-free, and minimally invasive, the implants are comfortable & virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Dental implants are great for restoring missing teeth. They have been around for more than half a century, and are widely regarded as the best possible method of replacing lost natural teeth. The benefits of dental implants include:

  • Durability: unlike other kinds of artificial teeth, dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care. That’s why they are considered a permanent solution for missing teeth.
  • No restrictions on diet: you don’t need to worry about what kinds of food you can eat with dental implants. They will look and feel like your natural teeth, so you can enjoy all the food that you want without worrying about your new teeth falling out.
  • No more loose dentures: if you have worn dentures until now, you know how uncomfortable they can be. With dental implants, this problem is solved once and for all. You will have a strong foundation to hold your artificial teeth in place while eating and speaking; you’ll never have to worry about them falling out again.

More information

A dental implant is an artificial root that replaces your tooth’s natural root. It can be made of different materials, such as titanium or ceramic. The artificial root is then attached to a post and crowned with a prosthetic crown. You may need a dental implant if you have lost one or more teeth due to an accident, gum disease, or tooth decay.

Like any surgical procedure, dental implants may carry certain risks. For instance, you may experience an infection or excessive bleeding at the site of the surgery. Other potential complications include implant failure and gingival recession, which is a condition characterized by gum tissue loss that exposes your teeth roots to decay-causing bacteria. To minimize these risks, it is important to follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions closely.